It seems like the long-running tree walker task should be defined in a class like so:
public class TreeWalker extends SwingWorker implements
It's not that I gave up on SwingWorker, I just determined that I didn't know squat about threads and decided to do something about it. My success the past 2 days with a much simpler project led me to apply that same strategy to my (various) Treewalker (projects), which now: (1) do not make the screen flash when appending output to a textarea and (2) end gracefully and immediately with a buttonpress.
All it took was using a separate thread (not a SwingWorker) for the "background" FileVisitor
task, which:
(a) let GUI stay "in charge" and thus be able to accept output seamlessly as well as provide a button for the user to press to abort and
(b) makes the code look sane and easy to follow.
So @Mad, thanks AGAIN for the help. (I haven't been working solely on this since Nov. 19! I got so frustrated I just left it, did other stuff successfully, and got the nerve to come back and try again).
P.S. I found the text Ivar Horton's Beginning Java (7) invaluable. Best I've seen about threads.
FWIW here's an outline of my backup program:
public class Copy extends Thread{
public static FileVisitResult disposition = FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
static Thread t ;
static FilesCopied output ;
public static TreeWalker fv;
public void run() {
fv = new TreeWalker();
try {
catch ...
public /* inner */ class TreeWalker implements FileVisitor {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
return disposition;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path d, BasicFileAttributes a) throws IOException {
return disposition;
} // end TreeWalker
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run() { gui = new UserIO(); gui.setVisible(true);
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
output = new FilesCopied();
t = new Copy();
} // end class Copy
public class UserIO extends JFrame {
public void btnBackupMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) throws IOException {
public void btnStopMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) throws IOException {
Copy.disposition = FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;