I have a column with the name of a person in the following format: \"LAST NAME, FIRST NAME\"
The tsql equivalent could look like this. I'm not vouching for the efficiency of this solution.
declare @table as table(name varchar(20), is_Correct_format varchar(5))
insert into @table(name) Values
('Smith, Jon')
,('se7en, six')
,('Billy bob')
UPDATE @table
SET is_correct_format = 'YES'
replace(name, ', ', ',x')
like (replicate('[a-z]', charindex(',', name) - 1)
+ ','
+ replicate('[a-z]', len(name) - charindex(',', name)) )
select * from @table
The optional space is hard to solve, so since it's next to a legal character I'm just replacing with another legal character when it's there.
TSQL does not provide the kind of 'repeating pattern' of * or + in regex, so you have to count the characters and construct the pattern that many times in your search pattern.
I split the string at the comma, counted the alphas before and after, and built a search pattern to match.
Clunky, but doable.