i\'ve got a problem: I need to find if list equal to the second one, for example:
(set%eq? \'(1 2 3) \'(1 2 3)) ===> #t
(set%eq? \'(1 2 3) \'(2 3 4))
Base on the comments from OP it's clear that these are set-eq?
(set-eq? '(a b c) '(c b a)) ; ==> #t
(set-eq? '(a b c) '(b c a)) ; ==> #t
(set-eq? '() '()) ; ==> #t
(set-eq? '(a b) '(a b c)) ; ==> #f
(set-eq? '(a b c) '(a c)) ; ==> #f
If the lists are without duplicates one could iterate the first list and try to find it in the second. If found we recurse with the two lists without the match.
(import (rnrs)
(rnrs lists))
(define (set-eq? xs ys)
(if (null? xs)
(null? ys) ; #t if both sets are empty, otherwise #f
(let ((cur (car xs)))
(and (memq cur ys) ; first element is found
(set-eq? ?> (remq ?> ?>)))))) ; recurse without first in both lists
There are ways to get this faster. E.q. Hash the first list and iterate the second. If all matches and hashtable-size
is the same as the number of iterations it's #t.