I have an issue with the breadcrumb on my site.
On page load, the Home is displayed (which is correct).. When i click on a link within my navigation menu, the breadcrumb
There are a couple of errors in your code. First of all, you are forgetting a );
in the following code:
$(function() {
} ); //HERE!
and you might have forgotten to copy the last }
to this question. I've added that one in here. You are attaching a handler to links that are a child of an element with the site-nav
class. There is no such thing in your code. Change that to .nav a
function createBreadcrumbs() {
$('.nav a').on('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$bc = $('');
$this.parents('li').each(function(n, li) {
var $a = $(li).children('a').clone();
$bc.prepend(' > ', $a);
$('.breadcrumb').html( $bc.prepend('Home ') );
return false;
Edit: If you want this to actually display something, you'll need to load the page with ajax and shove the resulting html into the DOM.