Or you can group by val
and then check whether the number of distinct exp
for that val
is equal to the data frame level number of distinct exp
df %>%
group_by(val) %>%
mutate(shared = n_distinct(exp) == n_distinct(.$exp))
# notice the first exp refers to exp for each group while .$exp refers
# to the overall exp column in the data frame
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Groups: val [6]
# exp val shared
# 1 A 10 TRUE
# 2 A 20 FALSE
# 3 A 15 TRUE
# 4 A 10 TRUE
# 5 B 10 TRUE
# 6 B 15 TRUE
# 7 B 99 FALSE
# 8 B 2 FALSE
# 9 C 15 TRUE
#10 C 20 FALSE
#11 C 10 TRUE
#12 C 4 FALSE