I\'m setting up some CI builds of NodeJS projects in VS Team Services. I currently have four projects being cloned from private Github repositories, running npm install>
Recently i needed to do this in Azure Devops on a Windows based agent, Instead of changing dependencies to include user and token in the packages.json, it was easier to create a build step to add the authentication information from environment variables to windows credentials store and instructing git to use that.
git config --global credential.helper wincred
cmdkey /generic:LegacyGeneric:target=git:https://our-private-domain.com /user:git-readonly-use@our-private-domain.com /pass:"Personal Access Token With Read Permissions"
After adding these configurations, Npm installs that we were doing using a script in source code went through without any issue
"dependencies": {
"example-1": "git+https://our-private-domain.com/proj/example-1.git#v0.1.9",
"example-2": "git+https://our-private-domain.com/proj/example-2.git#master"