I want to pass a str to be used as the prompt for a form. I thought it would be simple but it is proving to be difficult.
Here is my code:
class PostFo
Today I'm figured out about a similar problem as yours. I wanted to pass a variable to FlaskForm
. For a small CV creation app, I want to give the user an opportunity to create more than 1 entry for his work experience and I wanted to do it with FieldList
and FormField
. And I needed to do it on one page so in one form.
My solution is pretty simple python implementation of factory pattern for forms:
class ConstructorForm(FlaskForm):
work_experience_form = FieldList(FormField(WorkExperienceForm), min_entries=1, max_entries=1)
skills_form = FieldList(FormField(SkillsForm), min_entries=1, max_entries=1)
And here is my function for building extending forms:
def constructor_form(work_experience_forms=1, skills_forms=1):
class _ConstructorForm(ConstructorForm):
_ConstructorForm.work_experience_form = FieldList(
FormField(WorkExperienceForm), min_entries=work_experience_forms, max_entries=work_experience_forms
_ConstructorForm.skills_form = FieldList(
FormField(SkillsForm), min_entries=skills_forms, max_entries=skills_forms
return _ConstructorForm()