I have a data frame named “dat” with 10 numeric variables (var1, var2,var3,var4 , var5,…var 10), each with several observations…
var1 var2 var3 var4 var
There a several ways to do what you want in R. I suggest sapply
which is a simple way to apply a function other a list of variables.
Here is an example to get the coefficients of each linear regression between var1 and all other variables.
# define a function to get coefficients from linear regression
do_lm <- function(var){ # var is the name of the column
res <- lm(as.formula(paste0("var1~",var)), data = dat) # compute linear regression
coefs <- c(intercept = res$coefficient[2], slope = res$coefficient[1]) # get coefficients
sapply(colnames(dat)[2:10], do_lm)
# t transposes the result
# sapply : applies on "var2" ... "var10" the function do_lm
It returns :
intercept.var2 slope.(Intercept)
var2 0.5251232 6.4600985
var3 0.8630573 -1.4968153
var4 0.7660377 0.6490566
var5 -0.5047619 14.8158730
var6 NA 10.7777778
var7 NA 10.7777778
var8 NA 10.7777778
var9 NA 10.7777778
var10 NA 10.7777778
You can adapt the function do_lm
in sapply
to compute other things, like correlations ...