How do i do this? I tried something like this but I do not seem to be able to get any further.
public void speak(String text)
String[] textArray = text.spl
I know this answer is late and a bit inefficient but I think it does the job nicely.
public class StringSplitter
private int maxCharactersPerLine = 100;
public List GetTextLines(string text)
var result = new List();
if(text.Length <= this.maxCharactersPerLine)
return result;
string words[] = text.Split(new[]{' '}, StringSplittingOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//accumolator, describes a line of text up to maximum character length.
string temp = string.Empty;
//this is so that we don't append an empty space on each new line.
bool isBeginingWord = true;
foreach(var word in words)
//there is a possibility that a text line has more than maximum
//consecutive characters without having a space. This is edge case.
if(temp.Length > this.maxCharactersPerLine)
//if adding the next word in the list will exceed the
//maximum characters per line of text
if((temp + " " + word).Length > this.maxCharactersPerLine)
result.Add(temp); //add the accumolator to the list.
temp = ""; //reset the accumolator
isBeginingWord= true; //reset beginning of word flag.
//adding the next word from the list results in accumolator still
//still shorter than the maximum characters per line of text.
temp = word;
isBeginingWord = false;
temp = temp + " " + word;
return result;