With this script every field is printed out according to the longest word of the current file, but needs to have a line break every file. How can this be achieved?
Took me some time, got it solved with this script.
awk '{ NR>1 && FNR==1 ? l=length($0) && a[i++]= "\n" $0 : a[i++]=$0 }
{if(NR>1 && FNR==1) for(e=(i-c);e<=(i-1);e++) b[e]=d ;c=FNR; d=l }
{ if( length($0) > l) l=length($0)+1 }
END{for(e=(i-c+1);e<=i;e++) b[e]=d; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) printf("%-"b[j]"s,",a[j-1] )}' infiles* >outfile