I have 5 variables and each variables contains five values.I want to print five lines with the five values from five variables one by one For example
$a=1 2 3 4
a="1 2 3 4 5"
b="4 2 3 4 5"
c="8 9 7 6 5"
d="8 7 6 5 4"
e="5 6 7 3 3"
for i in $(seq 1 5); do
echo -e "My options was \c"
echo -e "a=$(echo $a | cut -f$i -d' ')\c"
echo -e "b=$(echo $b | cut -f$i -d' ')\c"
echo -e "c=$(echo $c | cut -f$i -d' ')\c"
echo -e "d=$(echo $d | cut -f$i -d' ') and \c"
echo -e "e=$(echo $e | cut -f$i -d' ')"