I\'ve a user table with unique user_id. User can register using there id. Now I want to limit the max. registration per user using CHECK constraints. so I use this:
Under certain conditions, you can enforce table restrictsion with materialized views:
create table tq84_t (
user_id number,
foo varchar2(10),
constraint pk_tq84_t primary key (user_id, foo)
create materialized view log on tq84_t;
create materialized view tq84_mv
refresh on commit
select user_id, count(*) cnt
from tq84_t
group by user_id;
alter table tq84_mv
add constraint check_max_2_registrations
check (cnt < 3);
With this materialized view, Oracle checks the constraint on the materialized view when you commit:
insert into tq84_t values (1, 'a');
insert into tq84_t values (1, 'b');
This works. The following doesn't:
insert into tq84_t values (1, 'c');
It fails with
ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-02290: check constraint (META.CHECK_MAX_2_REGISTRATIONS) violated