I have a repo name called A
with its build pipeline as azure-pipelines.yml
Then I have another repo called B
with its build pipeline as
I noticed the the flow for repo A is build => release (stages ops and dev)
. I wonder if the build
is the build pipeline as azure-pipelines.yml
, and release (stages ops and dev)
is the classic release pipeline in azure devops Releases hub? You should know that pipeline resources triggers doesnot work for classic release pipeline.
build => release (stages ops and dev)
for repo A should be in the same pipeline (ie. azure-pipelines.yml). So the pipeline resources trigger you defined in pipeline B only works when the pipeline A looks like below:
name: ..
- none
- stage: build # build the project in build stage
- job
- stage: ops #stage ops
- job:
- stage: dev #stage dev
- job:
The source
in Pipeline B is the name of the pipeline A as julie-ng mentioned. See below example:
- pipeline: {Can be Any String} #identifier for the resource (used in pipeline resource variables)
source: {Name of the pipeline A what you see in the UI} #name of the pipeline that produces an artifact
Name of the pipeline A:
Resource trigger in Pipeline B:
- pipeline: AnyString
source: pipelineA
branch: DATA-1234
If the release pipeline for repo A is the classic release pipeline. You can add this external task Trigger Build in stage dev to trigger pipeline B in stage dev:
- task: benjhuser.tfs-extensions-build-tasks.trigger-build-task.TriggerBuild@3
displayName: 'Trigger a new build of 48'
buildDefinition: {ID of pipeline B}
buildParameters: 'variableName: variableValue'
password: '$(System.AccessToken)'
If you want to pass some variables from Pipeline A to pipeline B. you can use the buildParameters
In pipelien B, Click the Variables button to define a Variable to the hold the variable value. (Note: Check this option Let users override this value when running this pipeline, so that it can be overrode from A pipeline )
You can always use the Rest api to trigger the pipeline. Please see below threads for more inforamtion
this thread
send multiple parameter to Azure-Devops pipeline job via Powershell
Can you pass a file to an azure pipeline?
You can use Builds - Queue rest api To trigger a pipeline.
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.1-preview.6
See below example:
curl -X POST --silent \
-H "Authorization:Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.1-preview.6 \
-d '{
"definition":{ "id": id-of-pipelineB},