If you are looking for a tutorial and/or some documentation, especially if starting from scratch, here are a couple of links that could interest you :
- Survive The Deep End! : a free electronic-book about ZF
- It's still work in progress,
- but the existing chapters are quite good -- and they will allow you to start, at least.
- The official Quickstart : it's short, you can study it for something like 2 to 4 hours, I'd say, and it'll allow you to develop a really simple/basic/quick application.
Those might be helpful, for you to start.
And here are some other resources (there are quite a lot of resources about ZF, actually) :
- The official Reference Guide -- not quite perfect as a starting point, but it contains the documentation of every classes of the Framework, and most of their useful public methods ; you'll work with this one really often, I guess !
- A couple of screencasts
- There are also webinars, and a couple podcasts
- More advanced, there are interesting articles about ZF on devzone
- Of course, you can find books about ZF, too. For instance :
- Beginning Zend Framework
- Zend Framework in Action