I want to get n
random numbers(e.g n=16)(whole numbers) between 1 to 5(including both) so that average is x.
x can be any value between (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3,
Edit: I have re-written this to avoid having to call the function recursively.
$max || $min * $count > $total || $max * $count < $total)
return FALSE;
// Get the specified number of random integers
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i)
// Get a random number within the given range
$rand = mt_rand($min, $max);
// As a default do not continue
$cont = FALSE;
// Check to see if the random number is acceptable and if not change it until it is
while (!$cont)
// If the number is too high then decrease it by one
if (($total - $rand) - (($count - 1 - $i) * $min) < 0)
// Otherwise if the number is too low then increase it by one
elseif (($total - $rand) - (($count - 1 - $i) * $max) > 0)
// Otherwise we can continue
$cont = TRUE;
// Store the number and minus it from the total
$total -= $result[] = $rand;
// Return the result
return $result;
// Output an array of random numbers