I have a SQLite table that contains every test result we\'ve run, and I\'m looking to write an entity framework query that returns only the most recent test result per project.
While this isn't portable, here's how this can be done using SQLite-compatable SQL and Entity Framework:
results = await _context.Results
.FromSqlRaw("SELECT Results.* FROM (SELECT Id, ProjectId, MAX(Updated) as Updated " +
"FROM Results GROUP BY ProjectId) as latest_results " +
"INNER JOIN Results ON Results.Id = latest_results.Id")
.Include(x => x.Project) //not required for question but useful
.OrderBy(x => x.Project.Name)
If someone has a way to do this in pure LINQ/EF, but still perform the query server-side, I'll happily mark that as the answer, since this is dependent on the exact SQL dialect used.