Finding the Lexicographically minimal string rotation is a well known problem, for which a linear time algorithm was proposed by Jean Pierre Duval in 1983. This blog post is pro
OP here: I accepted ruakh's answer as it pertains to my question, but I wanted to provide my own explanation for others that might stumble across this post trying to understand Duval's algorithm.
Lexicographically least circular substring is the problem of finding the rotation of a string possessing the lowest lexicographical order of all such rotations. For example, the lexicographically minimal rotation of "bbaaccaadd" would be "aaccaaddbb".
A O(n) time algorithm was proposed by Jean Pierre Duval (1983).
Given two indices i
and j
, Duval's algorithm compares string segments of length j - i
starting at i
and j
(called a "duel"). If index + j - i
is greater than the length of the string, the segment is formed by wrapping around.
For example, consider s = "baabbaba", i = 5 and j = 7. Since j - i = 2, the first segment starting at i = 5 is "ab". The second segment starting at j = 7 is constructed by wrapping around, and is also "ab". If the strings are lexicographically equal, like in the above example, we choose the one starting at i as the winner, which is i = 5.
The above process repeated until we have a single winner. If the input string is of odd length, the last character wins without a comparison in the first iteration.
Time complexity:
The first iteration compares n strings each of length 1 (n/2 comparisons), the second iteration may compare n/2 strings of length 2 (n/2 comparisons), and so on, until the i-th iteration compares 2 strings of length n/2 (n/2 comparisons). Since the number of winners is halved each time, the height of the recursion tree is log(n), thus giving us a O(n log(n)) algorithm. For small n, this is approximately O(n).
Space complexity is O(n) too, since in the first iteration, we have to store n/2 winners, second iteration n/4 winners, and so on. (Wikipedia claims this algorithm uses constant space, I don't understand how).
Here's a Scala implementation; feel free to convert to your favorite programming language.
def lexicographicallyMinRotation(s: String): String = {
def duel(winners: Seq[Int]): String = {
if (winners.size == 1) s"${s.slice(winners.head, s.length)}${s.take(winners.head)}"
else {
val newWinners: Seq[Int] = winners
.sliding(2, 2)
.map {
case Seq(x, y) =>
val range = y - x
Seq(x, y)
.map { i =>
val segment = if (s.isDefinedAt(i + range - 1)) s.slice(i, i + range)
else s"${s.slice(i, s.length)}${s.take(s.length - i)}"
(i, segment)
.reduce((a, b) => if (a._2 <= b._2) a else b)
case xs => xs.head