I am a fresh in programming, I wanna to call a fortran function in my c++ code. the thing is I dont know how to pass a fortran character*81 array to my c++.
fortran code
The following code seems to work for gcc4 on Linux(x86_64), but it is not clear whether it is also valid for other platforms. (As suggested above, C-interoperability of modern Fortran may be useful.)
subroutine func01( a )
character(*) :: a( 2 )
print *
print *, "char length = ", len(a(1)), len(a(2))
print *, "raw a(1) : [", a(1), "]"
print *, "raw a(2) : [", a(2), "]"
print *, "trim : [", trim(a(1)), "] [", trim(a(2)), "]"
extern "C" {
void func01_( char *c, const int len );
#include // for memset()
int main()
const int lenmax = 30, numstr = 3; // changed char length to 30 to fit in the terminal
char a[ numstr ][ lenmax ];
std::string str[ numstr ];
str[0] = "moon"; str[1] = "mercury"; str[2] = "jupiter";
for( int k = 0; k < numstr; k++ ) {
memset( a[k], ' ', lenmax ); // fill space
str[k].copy( a[k], lenmax ); // copy at most lenmax char (no \0 attached)
func01_( a[0], lenmax );
func01_( a[1], lenmax ); // pass from mercury
return 0;
$ g++ func01.f90 main.cpp -lgfortran
char length = 30 30
raw a(1) : [moon ]
raw a(2) : [mercury ]
trim : [moon] [mercury]
char length = 30 30
raw a(1) : [mercury ]
raw a(2) : [jupiter ]
trim : [mercury] [jupiter]