In a c programming exercise I am asked to convert an int to char without using the C library.
Any idea how to go about it?
edit: what I mean by int is the built
Cast it?
char c = (char)i;
Or maybe you meant this?
char c = (char)('0' + i);
I'm sure this isn't what you mean though... I'm guessing you want to create a string (char array)? If so, then you need to convert it one digit at a time starting with the least significant digit. You can do it recursively, in pseudo-code:
function convertToString(i)
if i < 10
return convertDigitToChar(i)
return convertDigitToString(i / 10) concat convertDigitToChar(i % 10)
Here /
is integer division and %
is integer modulo. You also need to handle negative numbers. This can be done by checking first if you have a negative number, calling the function on the aboslute value and adding the minus sign if necessary.
In C for performance you would probably implement this with a loop instead of using recursion, and by directly modifying the contents of a character array instead of concatenating strings.