so the constuctor is saying ) expected, error not a statement and ; expected
Person num1, num2, num3;
num1=new Person(Allison, 6600 Crescent Ave, 32, 902
Step 1:
First you can check your Person
class object is created.
Print some message in
public Person() {
System.out.println("in default constructor");
if you can not see any print statement then problem with object.
Step 2:
Check what you pass and passed value is print or not
If not print then problem with your parameter(argument)
Your Problem:
You are not passing actual string value
,You have to pass string value wihin ""
num1=new Person("Allison", "6600 Crescent Ave", 32, 9024231421);
Many SO user give actually answer but this stuff is for feature reader so user can see and don't take mistake next time.