My database is made for skiing competitions. The idea is that you can fill in the times people ski, and the databse automatically calculates what kind of medal you earned based
An Autonumber field is only for identifying records. No more no less.
What you need is a Priority (or Rank) field.
In your form where you display the records, run code like this for that field:
Private Sub Priority_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngId As Long
Dim lngPriorityNew As Long
Dim lngPriorityFix As Long
' Save record.
Me.Dirty = False
' Prepare form.
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Me.Painting = False
' Current Id and priority.
lngId = Me!Id.Value
lngPriorityFix = Nz(Me!Priority.Value, 0)
If lngPriorityFix <= 0 Then
lngPriorityFix = 1
Me!Priority.Value = lngPriorityFix
Me.Dirty = False
End If
' Rebuild priority list.
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
While rst.EOF = False
If rst!Id.Value <> lngId Then
lngPriorityNew = lngPriorityNew + 1
If lngPriorityNew = lngPriorityFix Then
' Move this record to next lower priority.
lngPriorityNew = lngPriorityNew + 1
End If
If Nz(rst!Priority.Value, 0) = lngPriorityNew Then
' Priority hasn't changed for this record.
' Assign new priority.
rst!Priority.Value = lngPriorityNew
End If
End If
' Reorder form and relocate record.
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "Id = " & lngId & ""
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
' Present form.
Me.Painting = True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub
Just assign a rank to any record, and records will be renumbered as and if needed.