I have my Reactive form with field - Status (which can have values \'A\' or \'I\'):
this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
result_info: this.formBuilder.
a FormControl exist you has a input or not. I wrote yet in another answer (but I can not find it). Use a input with [ngModel] and (ngModelChange) to control the value of FormControl
If you use mat-checkbox use checked and change
In a FormArray it's the same imagine you has a form with a formArray, you defined in your .ts a function taht return the formArray
get myformArray()
return this.form.get('formArray') as FormArray
And your form like
See that you use an input "ngModel" to control the "check" and a input with formControlName to control the name
You can be an example of all this in stackblitz