I am making a function that takes a number from the user\'s input and finds the absolute value of it. I want to make it return an error if the user inputs anything other than j
If you are actually trying to program in idiomatic C++, ignore the (intentionally?) bad advice you are being given. Especially the answers pointing you toward C functions. C++ may be largely backwards-compatible with C, but its soul is a totally different language.
Your question is so foundational as to make for a terrible homework assignment. Especially if you're so adrift that you don't know to avoid conio.h and other tragedies. So I'm just going to write out a solution here:
// Your function is presumably something like this
// although maybe you are just using integers instead of floats
float myAbs(const float x) {
if (x >= 0) {
return x;
} else {
return -x;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// give a greeting message followed by a newline
std::cout << "Enter values to get |value|, or type 'quit'" << std::endl;
// loop forever until the code hits a BREAK
while (true) {
// attempt to get the float value from the standard input
float value;
std::cin >> value;
// check to see if the input stream read the input as a number
if (std::cin.good()) {
// All is well, output it
std::cout << "Absolute value is " << myAbs(value) << std::endl;
} else {
// the input couldn't successfully be turned into a number, so the
// characters that were in the buffer that couldn't convert are
// still sitting there unprocessed. We can read them as a string
// and look for the "quit"
// clear the error status of the standard input so we can read
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
// Break out of the loop if we see the string 'quit'
if (str == "quit") {
// some other non-number string. give error followed by newline
std::cout << "Invalid input (type 'quit' to exit)" << std::endl;
return 0;
This lets you use the natural abilities of the iostream classes. They can notice when they couldn't automatically convert what a user entered into the format you wanted, and give you a chance to just throw up your hands with an error -or- try interpreting the unprocessed input a different way.