Quick backstory:
I had everything working perfectly, but after some time, I noticed it no longer functioned properly. The ability to go back a \"page\" is extremely impo
I wanted to add this so that those who have trouble with cross-browser compliance when using Wolff's code can have some reprieve from banging their head against [...dealer's choice].
Some browsers don't play nice when trying to go back to the home page, as it has no hashvalue.
Home Page Hash Fix
function hashHome() {
var currentHash = location.hash;
var homeHash = '#home';
if (currentHash == '') {
history.pushState(null, null, homeHash);
A HUGE problem in some webkit browsers, specifically mobile (read iOS!!!), is that when you simultaneously scroll horizontally and vertically, what you end up with is a sputtering, jittery mess that lands you back where you started. Quite devastating, and very perplexing.
I initially thought this was due to the browser not hashing the new values, but I later realized that the new values were there, just not "reported" to the viewport. The iOS address bar (7+) doesn't reveal changes as they happen, only after tapping the address bar (DOI! whoops, should've tried that first thing...) did I figure it out. Call me crazy, but if your code relies on one thing (the new hashvalue), and that thing isn't visibly happening, you might assume (like I did) that the reason the code isn't working is because of the one thing you're "seeing" isn't happening.
For complete explanation: Horizontal One-Page Site: Mobile-Webkit Scrolling & Swiping Issues
The click function remains the same as Wolff's.
Cross-browser Fix
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
if(!window.location.hash) return;
var target = $(window.location.hash);
var targetHash = window.location.hash;
var iOS = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) ? true : false );
var currentPosition = $(window).scrollLeft();
var targetPosLeft = target.offset().left;
var targetPosTop = target.offset().top;
function unbindWindow() { $(window).unbind('scroll'); }
function repositionWin() {
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var alteredPosLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();
var alteredPosTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (alteredPosLeft != targetPosLeft) {
window.scrollTo(targetPosLeft, alteredPosTop),
function fadePages() {
if (targetPosLeft == currentPosition) {
else {
function fadePageOut() {
opacity: "0.25",
transition: "opacity 0.1s 0.0s ease"
function fadePageIn() {
opacity: "1.0",
transition: "opacity 0.3s 0.0s ease"
setTimeout (fadePageIn, 900);
function pageChange() {
if (jQuery.browser.mobile === true) {
if (iOS === true) {
scrollLeft: targetPosLeft}, 1400);
setTimeout (repositionWin, 1500);
else {
scrollLeft: targetPosLeft}, 1200, function() {
scrollTop: targetPosTop
}, 200, repositionWin);
else {
scrollLeft: targetPosLeft,
scrollTop: targetPosTop
}, 1300, repositionWin);
if ($('#mini-site-menu-button-container').is(':visible') === true && $('#main-menu-wrapper').hasClass('show-main-menu') === true) {
setTimeout (pageChange, 300)
if ($('.footer-container').is(':visible') === true) {
setTimeout (pageChange, 500)
if ($('.form-instructions-wrapper').hasClass('expand-form-instruct') === true) {
setTimeout (pageChange, 500)
if ($('.quick-quote-container').hasClass('toggle-open') === true) {
setTimeout (pageChange, 500)
if ($('#mini-site-menu-button-container').is(':visible') === false && $('.footer-container').is(':visible') === false && $('.form-instructions-wrapper').hasClass('expand-form-instruct') === false && $('.quick-quote-container').hasClass('toggle-open') === false) {
if ($('#main-menu-wrapper').hasClass('show-main-menu') === false && $('.footer-container').is(':visible') === false && $('.form-instructions-wrapper').hasClass('expand-form-instruct') === false && $('.quick-quote-container').hasClass('toggle-open') === false) {
Additional Notes
I removed most of my additional code, but left the conditional statements on end to show how you might call the page change on a mobile site. Depending on how you choose to allow the user to navigate your page (I chose to pop my menu out from the left, hence the "toggle-open"), you'll want to allow your other animations time to complete before you fire the scrolling animation. It tends to be a lot for most mobile devices to handle all at once. I'm still too green to understand how animations que, so this is how I addressed it.
I also added a function to fade the page container while it's scrolling. If you're going from one end of the site to the other, there's quite a bit of leg work involved in traveling that far. That much content whizzing by can be a bit off-putting to watch. Fading it a little seems to dull the blow, and I daresay it adds a little something, as well.
Lastly, for touch enabled devices, I added a function that monitors and corrects the horizontal scroll position in between page changes. It's really easy to accidentally scroll left and right by swiping on a phone, so it seemed necessary.