I am trying to create a subplot (6 plots) of world maps into which I am writing chosen shapefiles. My issue is with my placement of subplots: They are overwriting each other. I
MATLAB's position
vector is defined as [left bottom width height]
, and in your case, if you look at h1pos and h3pos, they are
h1pos = [0.0300 0.6093 0.4347 0.3157]
h3pos = [0.0300 0.3096 0.4347 0.3157]
h1pos(2) - h3pos(2) = 0.2996 < 0.3157
, i.e. the distance between the axes is smaller than the height of your h1, and as a result there is a overlap, which leads to "subplot" deleting your axes.
To solve this, you can calculate your positions more carefully and either leave more space or reduce the height (by reducing the height to 0.05 would work). You can modify the position property just by doing something like handle6.Position = [0.0300 0.3096 0.4347 0.3157];
P.S. you could consider improve your coding style by reducing some redundancy. Here is a code snippet that would do the job
offset = [-0.05,-0.05,0.1,0.05];
pos = zeros(6, 4);
for ii = 1:6
h = subplot(3,2,ii);
pos(ii, :) = h.Position;
for ii = 1:6
subplot('Position',pos(ii,:) + offset);
text(0.02,0.98,['(' char('a'+ii-1) ')'],'Units', 'Normalized', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top');