I am developing an IOS app using Adobe AIR, Flash and ActionScript 3 and I have divided sections up into separate SWF files. I have successfully gotten the app to load external
You could have a static class that functions as a cache.
The cache might look something like this that I made for a menu system:
package com.rs2014.managers{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import com.events.MenuManagerEvent;
import com.menus.MenuBase;
import com.components.MenuLoader;
import com.MenuIdents;
public class MenuManager extends EventDispatcher
private static var instance:MenuManager
private static var allowInstantiation:Boolean = true;
public static function getInstance():MenuManager
instance = new MenuManager();
allowInstantiation = false;
return instance
private const MAX_MENUS:uint = 8;
private var menuCache:Dictionary = new Dictionary()
public function MenuManager()
throw(new Error("please use the getInstance() method to obtain a handle to this singleton"));
public function getMenu(menu:String):void
//This pulls from the cache if it's already been loaded before
dispatchMenu(null, menuCache[menu]);
//MenuLoader is a simple wrapper for Loader
var newLoader:MenuLoader = new MenuLoader();
menuCache[menu] = newLoader;
newLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dispatchMenu);
newLoader.source = menu;
//trace("setting up loader with source = "+menu);
private function dispatchMenu(e:Event = null, menu:MenuBase = null):void
e.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dispatchMenu);
//trace(e.target.content as MenuBase);
menuCache[e.target.source] = menu = e.target.content as MenuBase;
throw(new Error("MenuManager Error: dispatchMenu called without menu to dispatch"));
this.dispatchEvent(new MenuManagerEvent(MenuManagerEvent.MENU_READY, menu))