I am displaying a FormArray with an *ngFor. What i am trying to do is when i click on an item in the ngFor, to populate the with that items \'task\' property.
you can declare a variable
And use in your input formControl
Simply on click
But I think you want to "edit in place". For this you need two variables and as usually I go to make a getter to the formArray
get items()
return (this.myForm.get('items') as FormArray)
Our .html is like
NOTE: to use the property cdkDragDisable you need updated your references, in "@angular/cdk": "7.0.3"
you has not this property, so you need update to Angular 9 too
See how, if "i=selectedIndex" it's showed the "input" and the cdkDrag is disabled. We need mannage when we click and when we want to drag. for this, I use the variable dropping that is true when you move and false when dropped, moreover, we make nothing if is dropping is true, the (click)="!dropping && focus(i)"
Well, the function focus put the variable itemSelected to the value of the row and make the focus. The focus need make in a setTimeout to give a change to Angular to show the input
Finally, the drop function, need take account that the function moveItemInArray is thinking to work with arrays, not with formArrays, so
drop(event: any) {
const array=this.items.value //get the value of the formArray
moveItemInArray(array, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex); //move the value
array.forEach((x:any,i:number)=>x.position=i) //recalculate the position
this.items.setValue(array) //make a setValue
You can see in this stackblitz