The answers here produce a distorted figure; here is the bad result:
Here is the modified code that produces the bad resu
You should not hard-coded the text. Instead, try to extract the values from patches:
def plot_compare_bar(col1, col2, frame, fig_prefix=''):
frame = frame.sort_values(by=col1)
ind = np.arange(len(frame))
width = 0.4
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
ax.barh(ind, frame[col1], width, color='red', label=col1)
ax.barh(ind + width, frame[col2], width, color='blue', label=col2)
yticks=ind + width, yticklabels=frame['Class Name'],
ylim=[2 * width - 1, len(frame)], title=(
f'{fig_prefix} {col1} vs {col2} evaluation results'))
# annotation here
for patch in ax.patches:
# extract information from patch
pw = patch.get_width()
_,y = patch.get_xy()
color = patch.get_facecolor()
ax.text(pw + 3, y + width/2, str(pw),
ax.legend(loc='lower right')