I have a problem to get the color in the js tree. Below is my coding:
To take the easy way out, you can change the position of text in span tag to First.
This is your data:
[{"id":"824","parent":"#","text":"101 PENTADBIRAN AM<\/span> <\/span> <\/span> <\/span>
You can change position MasterName in text key to first, like this:
[{"id":"824","parent":"#","text":"101 PENTADBIRAN AM<\/span> <\/span> <\/span> <\/span>
And after that, you need to replace this function:
getColor(parseInt(n.text.substr(103, 3), 10))
To this:
getColor(parseInt(n.text.substr(0, 3), 10))
Updated: You can keep your data template
Try use foreach loop like this:
nodelist.forEach(function(n) {
let masterTextTag = $($(tree.get_node(n.id,true)))
if(masterTextTag !== undefined && masterTextTag.length != 0){
let masterText = masterTextTag[0].textContent
tree.get_node(n.id).a_attr.style = "color:" + getColor(parseInt(masterText.substr(0, 3), 10))+ ";"+"text-decoration:" + getStrike(n.data.status) + getUnderline(n.data.add_underline);
tree.redraw_node(n.id); //Redraw tree
colorNodes(n.children); //Update leaf nodes