I\'m having problems with Canvas gradient it only shows the last color that I set on gradient.__addColorStop__(offset,color)
For ex
CanvasGradients are relative to the context's transformation matrix, not to the shape you'll fill it with.
So in your example, since you are drawing an horizontal gradient, you set this gradient only in an area that goes from x:10 to x:200. Pixels before x:10 will have the value at index 0, and the ones after x:200 the one at index 1.
Since you are drawing your circle at 300,150 with a radius of 50, the minimal x position your circle will attain is 250, which is after your gradient index:1 and hence solid red.
Here is a visual demo of what happens:
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(10, 90, 200, 90);
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 10, "black");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 5, "yellow");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 1, "red");
// draw a full rectangle to see how the gradient is actually rendered
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.arc(300, 150, 50, 0, Math.PI*2);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
To circumvent this, you have two ways:
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// x1 & x2 are set to match the circle's position
let gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(250, 90, 350, 90);
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 10, "black");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 5, "yellow");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 1, "red");
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.arc(300, 150, 50, 0, Math.PI*2);
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(10, 90, 200, 90);
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 10, "black");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 5, "yellow");
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 1, "red");
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.arc(300, 150, 50, 0, Math.PI*2);
// our arc has been defined at the correct position
// we can now translate the context matrix so that only the fillStyle be moved
ctx.translate(230, 0);
// reset the default tranform matrix