I have the following multidimensional array of student objects:
var students = [
{name: \"Jack\", age: \"NYN\", attempts: 3, wrong: 2},
{name: \"Phil\", age: \"N
You have to reset the peopleMostNeedingHelp
when a new student with a higher number of errors is discovered:
let mostNeedingHelp = [students[0]];
for(const student of students.slice(1)) {
if(student.errors === mostNeedingHelp[0].errors) {
} else if(student.errors >= mostNeedingHelp[0].errors) {
mostNeedingHelp = [student]; // <<<<
This can be shortified with reduce:
const mostNeedingHelp = students.slice(1).reduce((arr, student) =>
arr[0].errors === student.errors ? arr.concat(student) : arr[0].errors < student.errors ? [student] : arr, [students[0]]);