So far I have this code:
var isMatch = viewedUserLikedUsersArray.indexOf(logged_in_user);
if (isMatch >=0){
console.log(\'is match\');
At first, we have to understand, what is stored in viewedUserLikedUsersArray
If there are primitives, it's ok, but if there are objects we can't use indexOf
method of array, because it use strict comparison ===
inside, how we know, the comparison with object is going by link.
works similar to iterating through the loop, the only way.
In case with objects we can use find
method of array MDN Array.prototype.find() or findIndex
Also we can store users in hashMap with userId keys, and check matching by referring to the object property.
var someUsers = {
'#124152342': {
'#534524235': {
var someUserId = '#124152342';
if (someUsers[someUserId]) {
console.log('is match');
} else {
console.log('no match');