I tried the following command unsuccessfully
sdiff <(ping www.nato.int) <(ping www.reuters.com)
Is there any way to have a real-t
You could do this using say perl/python/php/otherlang and time how long it takes to open a connection to say port 80 for instance. You can store this into a variable and then use this for mathematical analysis.
Something like this in psuedo-code:
$site1_start = get_timestamp();
$sock = opensocket($someAddress,$required_port);
if($sock) { $sock->close(); };
$site1_end = get_timestamp();
$site1_round_trip = $t2 - $t1
$site2_start = get_timestamp();
$sock = opensocket($someAddress);
if($sock) { $sock->close(); };
$site2_end = get_timestamp();
$site2_round_trip = $t2 - $t1
// now we can perform some stuff on the round trips