I have to following problem,
In a map-editor you can place \"Joints\" (FarseerPhysics) on objects, there are 23 types of joints (in an enum). The joints are all pretty m
Here is a method for changing the Browsable attribute of a property in your JointItem class:
private void ChangeBrowsability(object pThis, string pProperty, bool pBrowsable)
PropertyDescriptor pdDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(pThis.GetType())[pProperty];
BrowsableAttribute baAttribute = (BrowsableAttribute)pdDescriptor.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)];
FieldInfo fiBrowsable = baAttribute.GetType().GetField("browsable", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
fiBrowsable.SetValue(baAttribute, pBrowsable);
Then you could have a big long if then else sequence or the likes:
JointItem jiThis = WhereEverYouGetYourJointItemFrom();
if (jiThis.JointType == eJoinType.Elbow)
ChangeBrowsability(jiThis, "JointAngle", true);
ChangeBrowsability(jiThis, "MinAngle", true);
ChangeBrowsability(jiThis, "MaxAngle", true);
ChangeBrowsability(jiThis, "ScrewType", false);
else ...
Of course you need your dose of "using"s!
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;