I am drilling down Internet to get Vbscript code, where input is read from text file one per line and pass it to the commands in script. I am just a beginner and need help with
This allow to read from arguments collection and from standard input when -
is passed as argument
Dim server
For Each server in WScript.Arguments.UnNamed
If server="-" Then
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
WScript.Echo "Redirected: " + WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
WScript.Echo "Argument: " + server
End If
This allow to still pass arguments in the command line, and, if any of the arguments is a dash, the stantdard input is read. This will allow you to do any of the following
Usual argument pass
cscript checkServers.vbs server1 server2
Arguments and piped input
type servers.txt | cscript checkServers.vbs server1 server2 -
Only redirected input
cscript checkServers.vbs - < servers.txt
Redirected input and arguments
< servers.txt cscript checkServers.vbs - serverx
Or any other needed combination of arguments and standard input
type servers.txt | cscript checkservers.vbs server1 server2 - aditionalServer
EDITED to answer to comments
Option Explicit
Dim strServer
If WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Length < 1 Then
CheckServerUpdateStatus "localhost"
For Each strServer in WScript.Arguments.UnNamed
If strServer="-" Then
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
strServer = Trim(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine)
If Len(strServer) > 0 Then CheckServerUpdateStatus strServer
CheckServerUpdateStatus strServer
End If
End If
Obviously, you need to maintain your CheckServerUpdateStatus
function, this code only handles the parameter input.