I parsing a URL from feedparser and trying to get all columns, but i do not get all columns as a out put, not sure where the issue is. If you execute the below. I do not get dat
Another method.
import pandas as pd
from simplified_scrapy import SimplifiedDoc, utils, req
getdeals = ['http://www.ebay.com/rps/feed/v1.1/epnexcluded/EBAY-US?limit=200',
header = ['title','endsAt','image255','price','originalPrice','discountPercentage','shippingCost','dealUrl']
for url in getdeals:
try: # It's a good habit to have try and exception in your code.
feed = SimplifiedDoc(req.get(url))
for deals in feed.selects('item'):
row = []
for h in header: row.append(deals.select(h+">text()")) # Returns None when the element does not exist
except Exception as e:
print (e)