I am making a tool where the user is shown this triangle throughout the process:
echo ^|\\
echo ^|a\\
echo ^| \\
echo ^| \\
echo ^| \\ C
here this works:
@echo off
echo what number do you want to get the sin cos and tan values from of?
set /p in=num:
for /f "delims=" %%a in (' powershell "[Math]::sin(%in%)" ') do set "sin=%%a"
echo the sin of %in% is %sin%
for /f "delims=" %%a in (' powershell "[Math]::cos(%in%)" ') do set "cos=%%a"
echo the cos of %in% is %cos%
for /f "delims=" %%a in (' powershell "[Math]::tan(%in%)" ') do set "tan=%%a"
echo the tan of %in% is %tan%