In a program that I\'m trying to write now I take two columns of numbers and perform calculations on them. I don\'t know where these two columns are located until the user tell
You were on the right track with Offset
. Here is a test function that shows a couple different approaches to take with it:
Sub test()
Dim first_Column As String
Dim second_Column As String
Dim third_Column As String
Dim r As Range
first_Column = Range("B2").Text
second_Column = Range("B2").Offset(1, 0).Text
third_Column = Range("B2").Offset(2, 0).Text
Debug.Print first_Column, second_Column, third_Column
Set r = Range("B2")
first_Column = r.Text
Set r = r.Offset(1, 0)
second_Column = r.Text
Set r = r.Offset(1, 0)
third_Column = r.Text
Debug.Print first_Column, second_Column, third_Column
End Sub
UPDATE: After re-reading your question I realize you were trying to do offsets based on a user-entered column letter. @rskar's answer will shift the column letter, but it will be a lot easier to work with the column number in code. For example:
Sub test()
Dim first_Col As Integer, second_Col As Integer
first_Col = Cells(, Range("B2").Text).Column
second_Col = first_Col + 1
Cells.Columns(first_Col).Font.Bold = True
Cells.Columns(second_Col).Font.Italic = True
End Sub