In a program that I\'m trying to write now I take two columns of numbers and perform calculations on them. I don\'t know where these two columns are located until the user tell
Here are two functions that will help you dealing with columns > "Z". They convert the textual form of a column to a column index (as a Long value) and vice versa:
Function ColTextToInt(ByVal col As String) As Long
Dim c1 As String, c2 As String
col = UCase(col) 'Make sure we are dealing with "A", not with "a"
If Len(col) = 1 Then 'if "A" to "Z" is given, there is just one letter to decode
ColTextToInt = Asc(col) - Asc("A") + 1
ElseIf Len(col) = 2 Then
c1 = Left(col, 1) ' two letter columns: split to left and right letter
c2 = Right(col, 1)
' calculate the column indexes from both letters
ColTextToInt = (Asc(c1) - Asc("A") + 1) * 26 + (Asc(c2) - Asc("A") + 1)
ColTextToInt = 0
End If
End Function
Function ColIntToText(ByVal col As Long) As String
Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long
i1 = (col - 1) \ 26 ' col - 1 =i1*26+i2 : this calculates i1 and i2 from col
i2 = (col - 1) Mod 26
ColIntToText = Chr(Asc("A") + i2) ' if i1 is 0, this is the column from "A" to "Z"
If i1 > 0 Then 'in this case, i1 represents the first letter of the two-letter columns
ColIntToText = Chr(Asc("A") + i1 - 1) & ColIntToText ' add the first letter to the result
End If
End Function
Now your problem can be solved easily, for example
newColumn = ColIntToText(ColTextToInt(oldColumn)+1)
EDITED accordingly to the remark of mwolfe02:
Of course, if you are not interested in the column names, but just want to get a range object of a specific cell in a given row right beneath a column given by the user, this code is "overkill". In this case, a simple
Dim r as Range
Dim row as long, oldColumn as String
' ... init row and oldColumn here ...
Set r = mysheet.Range(oldColumn & row).Offset(0,1)
' now use r to manipulate the cell right to the original cell
will do it.