I created a chatbot using dialogflow and I added a website link to the response, I have integrated the bot in Telegram and the website link is working perfectly, but on the web
Kommunicate has a link button template, create a Dialogflow intent using below metadata.
"message": "click on the buttons",
"metadata": {
"contentType": "300",
"templateId": "3",
"payload": [{
"type": "link",
"url": "https://www.google.com",
"name": "Go To Google"
"type": "link",
"url": "https://www.facebook.com",
"name": "Go To Facebook",
"openLinkInNewTab": false
The openLinkInNewTab: false to open any link in the same tab. Default value is true, which will open the links in the new tab. Here is more information about the same.
Also, you can render HTML content as a message and Kommunicate will render the HTML in the UI. Here is the metadata for that.