I have this function that is supposed to count points but it doesn\'t add them:
def Correct(totalPoints):
print \"Correct\"
totalPoints = totalPoints+1
You are not returning the function output. It should be
def Correct(mytotalPoints):
print "Correct"
mytotalPoints += 1
print "You have", mytotalPoints,"points"
return mytotalPoints
You should now return the correct value to the main function. You should also fix the indentation to be correct. You need to show where totalPoints was defined.
elif answer == 'nba':
NBAQues = random.randint(0,len(NBA1)-1)
# Is this the way you meant it to be indented?
NBAVar = NBA1[NBAQues]
print NBAVar
NBAAnswer = raw_input()
NBAAnswer = NBAAnswer.lower()
if NBAAnswer == NBA2[NBAQues]:
# Make sure totalPoints was initialized properly
totalPoints = Correct(totalPoints)
print totalPoints
elif NBAAnswer != NBA2[NBAQues]:
print "False. The correct answer was", NBA2[NBAQues]
print "Choose another."