i have spend several hours trying to find how to populate the datatables with a json that comes from the backend, here is my code:
1) Create your datatable on document.ready.
2) Send a ajax request to get json data.
3) Inside the loop, instead of creating I have created a sample HTML JS Please check this Fiddle elements use datatables fnAddData();
function. like -
$('#dataTables-example').dataTable().fnAddData([first-columnval, second-columnval, etc]);
$(document).ready(function() {
//creating a temp json. you will get this from server side after ajax call
var jsonString = '[{"Id": 1,"Title": "Title1","Summary": "Summary1" },{"Id": 2,"Title": "Title2","Summary": "Summary2"}]';
var data = JSON.parse(jsonString);
for(i=0; i