i have a file similaire to this : ...
The hotspot server JVM has specific code-path optimizations
# which yield an approximate 10% gain over the client versi
this is pseudo code that follows the kind of logic you would want to be able to accomplish this task.
flag = false
inside a loop
read in a line
if( line != #############HDK1001############# && flag == false){ //check to see if you found your starting place
nothing useful here. lets go around the loop and try again
else // if i found it, set a flag to true
flag = true;
if( flag == true) // am i after my starting place but before my end place?
if( line == #############HDK1001#############)
do nothing and go back through the loop, this line is not useful to us
else if( line == #############HDK7564#############) //did i find my end place?
flag = false // yes i did, so lets not be able to assign stuff any more
else // im not at the start, im not at the end. I must be inbetwee. lets read the data and assign it.
read in the lines and assign it to variables that you want