i have a file similaire to this : ...
The hotspot server JVM has specific code-path optimizations
# which yield an approximate 10% gain over the client versi
Your example code is quite far off, and I don't intend to rewrite all of your code, I will give you some pointers though. You are already doing:
if (strLine.startsWith("export") && !strLine.contains("$"))
This is your conditional that should be testing for the "HDK1001" string instead of whatever it's doing right now. I'm not sure why you are checking for the word "export" when it seems like it doesn't matter for your program.
There isn't a way to just magically start and end at specific words in the file, you MUST start at the beginning and go line by line checking all of them until you find your desired first and last line. Once you find that first line, you can continue reading until you reach your desired end line and then bail out.