I have a JSON array of objects (a collection) like:
\"x\": {
\"x1\": 1
\"y\": {
\"yt\": 0,
\"zt\": 4,
\"qa\": 3,
\"ft\": 0,
You can merge the objects using the spread syntax and lodash's _.mergeWith()
When merging, if the 2nd parameter (b) is a number divide it by the number of items in the original array to get it's respective contribution to the total average. If the 1st parameter (a) is a number, just add it without dividing (to avoid dividing the sum multiple times), or add 0 if it's undefined.
I've added examples of 2 objects array, and 3 objects array.
const getAvg = (data) => _.mergeWith({}, ...data, (a, b) => {
if(_.isNumber(b)) {
return ((b || 0) / data.length) + (_.isNumber(a) ? (a || 0) : 0);
const data1 = [
const data2 = [
const result1 = getAvg(data1);
console.log('2 objects in the array: ', result1);
const result2 = getAvg(data2);
console.log('3 objects in the array: ', result2);