I am working in converting a list of items into a dynamic dropdown option list but I have a problem.
I checked if the props are coming right and they are.
this i
Well there are a couple of scenarios that can result in that error.
1) If your this.props.allKeycodes
object doesn't have a allKeycodes
property inside of it - const {allKeycodes} = this.props.allKeycodes;
this will result in undefined, which then result in calling map on that undefined.
2) You can get that error, if you don't have a default value when you are passing props in your component/ or you don't check for undefined value. You can check it inside the function, or when calling the function, but it must not be undefined.
buildSelectOptions = opts => opts && opts.map(....)
this code will check if opts
isn't falsy and run the next bit of code. Otherwise it will just result in undefined
buildSelectOptions = (opts) => {
return opts && opts.map((opt) => )
buildSelectOptions = (opts) => {
if(opts) {
return opts.map((opt) => )