I am using the Symfony3 plugin in PhpStorm. My PHP Interpreter is 7.0.18. I have PHPUnit 6.3.0 configured in PhpStorm by having the .phar
file in the root directory
I have PHPUnit 6.3.0 configured ... by having the .phar file in the root directory of my project
Such a bad idea. PHPUnit should not be installed on your (production?) server.
If this is a local staging server that you're trying to test on, then you need to install the phar in the path.
To globally install the PHAR:
$ wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit-6.2.phar
$ chmod +x phpunit-6.2.phar
$ sudo mv phpunit-6.2.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit
$ phpunit --version
Also, consider upgrading PHP to the newest version. There are several vulnerabilities in the one you're using. (See: change log for versions between yours and current).
Why are you running bin/console server:start
on your server? Also not meant to be on a production server.
My guess here is that it is seeing the phar in your document root and trying to execute it, which is what is causing all the errors.