Bubble sort with variable number of inputs

后端 未结 2 567
不知归路 2021-01-27 13:27

I am working on a bubble sort program for the Little Man Computer and I want it to have a variable number of inputs (like 500), after which the program will stop taking inputs a

  •  陌清茗
    陌清茗 (楼主)
    2021-01-27 13:47

    This is the final code and some basic information.
    // Basic Outline
    // 1) Initialize (may be empty)
    // 2) Input Count
    // 3) Handle Special Cases, GoTo 1 (will now be no special cases)
    // 4) Input List
    // 5) Sort the list (using Bubblesort)
    // 6) Output List
    // 7) GoTo 1
    // Program uses an LMCe, same as an LMC except that it has an extra digit. 
    //The number of memory cells is thus 1000 and the range of values is from 0 to 9999.
    // Memory Map
    // 0 – 79 the program
    // 80-87 unused (may be used to test sorting in LMCs)
    // 88-99 constants and variables
    // 100 – 999 the list to be sorted.
    // INITIALIZE (This section is blank)
    000 IN 9001 // input count
    001 STO 090 3090 // store count
    // SPECIAL CASES (This section is now blank)
    002 LDA 096 5096 // STO
    003 ADD 095 1095 // Determine first location
    004 STO 011 3011 // Overwrite STO instruction for list
    005 ADD 090 1090
    006 STO 092 3092 // Store STO + LOC + Count to determine end
    007 LDA 011 5013 // Load manipulated instruction (using as counter)
    008 SUB 092 2092 //
    009 BRZ 016 7016 // If last count, go to END INPUT LIST
    010 IN 9001 //
    011 DAT 0 // manipulated instruction (store input in list)
    012 LDA 011 5011
    013 ADD 098 1098 // increment store instruction (to next list location)
    014 STO 011 3011 // Update STO instruction
    015 BR 007 6007 // GOTO INPUT LIST LOOP
    // Note: the ‘to’ is inclusive.
    // for I = 0 to count – 1 do (may not be inclusive)
    // for j = count – 1 downto I + 1 do (may be inclusive)
    // if A[j] < A[j-1]
    // then exchange A[j] and A[j-1]
    // end do
    // end do
    // If count < 2, then skip bubble sort
    016 LDA 098 5098
    017 SUB 090 2090 // 1 – count
    018 BRP 061 8061 //. GO TO END I LOOP
    // Initialize ‘I’ Counter
    019 LDA 099 5099
    020 STO 092 3092 // set I to zero (0)
    021 LDA 090 5090
    022 SUB 098 2098 // COUNT - 1
    023 SUB 092 1092 // COUNT -1 – I
    024 BRZ 061 7061 // if(I == count - 1) GOTO END I LOOP
    // Initialize J
    025 LDA 090 5090
    026 SUB 098 2098
    027 STO 093 3093 // J = Count – 1
    028 LDA 092 5092 // I
    029 SUB 093 2093 // I - J
    030 BRP 057 8057 // If I == j, then GO END J LOOP
    // Compare A[j] and A[j-1]
    // Load A[j] into variable
    031 LDA 097 5097 // load LDA instruction numeric code
    032 ADD 095 1095 // set to LDA 500
    033 ADD 093 1093 // set to LDA [500 + j] or A[j]
    034 STO 039 3039 // reset instruction
    035 SUB 098 2098 // set to LDA [500 + j – 1] or A[j-1]
    036 STO 037 3037 // reset instruction
    // Load and compare A[j] and A[j-1]
    037 DAT 0 // load A[j-1] (instruction is manipulated)
    038 STO 088 3088
    039 DAT 0 // load A[j] (instruction is manipulated)
    040 STO 089 3089
    041 SUB 088 2088 // A[j] – A[j-1] (swap if not positive)
    042 BRP 053 8053 // GOTO DECREMENT J
    // swap the variables
    // set up the STO variables
    043 LDA 096 5096 // load STO instruction code
    044 ADD 095 1095 // set to STO 500
    045 ADD 093 1093 // set to STO [500 + j]
    046 STO 052 3052 // reset instruction
    047 SUB 098 2098 // set to STO [500 + j – 1]
    048 STO 050 3050 // reset instruction
    // do the swap (no need for a variable since they are already stored)
    049 LDA 089 5089 // load A[j]
    050 DAT 0 // Store in A[j-1] (instruction is manipulated)
    051 LDA 088 5088 // load A[j-1]
    052 DAT 0 // Store in A[j] (instruction is manipulated)
    053 LDA 093 5093
    054 SUB 098 2098
    055 STO 093 3093 // J = J – 1
    056 BR 028 6028 // GOTO START J LOOP
    // END J LOOP
    // Increment I
    057 LDA 092 5092
    058 ADD 098 1098
    059 STO 092 3092 // I = I + 1
    060 BR 021 6021 // GOTO START I LOOP
    // END I LOOP (End Bubblesort)
    061 LDA 090 5090 // Count
    062 OUT 9002
    // OUTPUT LIST (now sorted)
    // Initialize
    063 LDA 097 5097
    064 ADD 095 1095 // LDA + LOC
    065 STO 071 3071 // set up instruction
    066 ADD 090 1090 // LDA + LOC + Count
    067 STO 092 3092 // store unreachable instruction
    068 LDA 071 5071 // load manipulated instruction (used as counter)
    069 SUB 092 2092
    070 BRZ 077 7077 // GOTO END OUTPUT LOOP
    071 DAT 0 // manipulated output
    072 OUT 9002
    073 LDA 071 5071
    074 ADD 098 1098
    075 STO 071 3071 // increment manipulated instruction
    076 BR 068 6028 // GOTO OUTPUT LIST LOOP
    077 BR 0 6000 // Branch to top of loop (embedded)
    // End of program
    078 HLT 0 // (Should never hit this instruction)
    // Variables
    088 DAT 0 // A[j-1] value (also used for swapping)
    089 DAT 0 // A[j] value (also used for swapping)
    090 DAT 0 // count variable (input and output)
    091 DAT 0 // unused
    092 DAT 0 // ‘I’ counter
    093 DAT 0 // ‘j’ counter
    // Constants
    094 DAT 0 // unused
    095 DAT 500 // initial list location
    096 DAT 3000 // STO instruction
    097 DAT 5000 // LDA instruction
    098 DAT 1 // one (constant)
    099 DAT 0 // zero (constant)
