I want to sort an alphanumeric, but numbers should come at end instead of beginning. for instance
let array = [\"1\", \"a\", \"b\", \"z\", \"3\", \"!\"]
let sor
Here's a solution that works for your case :
The expected result is :
Here's a way to do it.
// Works with both arrays
var array = ["1", "b", "a", "z", "3", "!"]
//var array = ["1", "b", "A", "Z", "3", "!"]
func isLetter(char: String) -> Bool {
return ("a"..."z").contains(char) || ("A"..."Z").contains(char)
func isNumber(char: String) -> Bool {
return Int(char) != nil
let letters = array.filter(isLetter).sort{$0.lowercaseString < $1.lowercaseString}
let numbers = array.filter(isNumber).sort{Int($0) < Int($1)}
let others = Array(Set(array).subtract(letters).subtract(numbers)).sort{$0 < $1}
let sortedArray = letters + numbers + others
The first array would be
["a", "b", "z", "1", "3", "!"]
The second would be
["A", "b", "Z", "1", "3", "!"]
It does what you want. Include unit tests and wrap that inside a method and you're good to go. Buuuut, it's not "clean" at all.