I\'m using tweepy.Cursor to extract past tweets of a particular topic, however if the tweet is really long it truncates it. I am using the full_text property to be True, but sti
you have to explicitly access the field called "full_text". You can try something like this:
# First you get the tweets in a json object
results = [status._json for status in tweepy.Cursor(API.search, q="$EURUSD", count=1000, tweet_mode='extended', lang='en').items()]
# Now you can iterate over 'results' and store the complete message from each tweet.
my_tweets = []
for result in results:
You can extract as much info as you need and then write it into a CSV file or whatever you want.
I recomend you extract the tweets into a json file so you can easily check all the fields it offers to you.
Hope it helps!
Edit: If the retrieved tweet is a RT, the full text will be in result["retweeted_status"]["full_text"]